Para los que no saben los idioms son esas expresiones idiomaticas que se utlilizan en el lenguaje común, así cono en español existen unos muy populares que son validos en cualquier país Como "El que mucho abarca poco aprieta" este puede traducirse en el mundo de los negocios; mejor enfocarse en un solo negocio, que tratar de desarrollar muchos y no llegar a una consecución exitosa. ¿Te gustaron estos idioms? Recuerda que cada semana publicamos una nueva entrada con información util para tu aprendizaje. 1. At a premium
At a high price; at a relatively high price Example: When flat-screen televisions first came out, they were selling at a premium. 2. Back-of-the-envelope calculations Quick calculations; estimates using approximate numbers, instead of exact numbers Example: I don't need the exact numbers right now. Just give me some back-of-the-envelope calculations. Note: This expression refers to the quick calculations one would do informally, as on the back of an envelope. 3. Belt-tightening Reduction of expenses Example: When worldwide demand for software decreased, Microsoft had to do somebelt-tightening. 4. (to) Bite the bullet To make a difficult or painful decision; to take a difficult step Example: When demand was down, U.S. automakers had to bite the bullet and cut jobs. Origin: This idiom comes from the military. During the Civil War in the United States, doctors sometimes ran out of whiskey for killing the pain. A bullet would be put in the wounded soldier's mouth during surgery. He would "bite the bullet" to distract him from the pain and keep him quiet so the doctor could do his work in peace. 5. Bitter pill to swallow Bad news; something unpleasant to accept Example: After Gina spent her whole summer working as an intern for American Express, failing to get a full-time job offer from the company was a bitter pill to swallow. 6. Blockbuster A big success; a huge hit Example: Eli Lilly made a lot of money with the prescription drug, Prozac. It was a realblockbuster. Origin: This term comes from the blockbuster bombs used during World War Two by the British Royal Air Force. They were huge and created a large explosive force. Blockbuster ideas similarly create a big impact - and hopefully don't cause destruction like blockbuster bombs! 7. Brownie points Credit for doing a good deed or for giving someone a compliment (usually a boss or teacher) Example: Sara scored brownie points with her boss by volunteering to organize the company's holiday party. Origin: The junior branch of the Girl Scouts is called the Brownies. Brownies earn credit to then earn a badge by doing good deeds and tasks. When applied to adults, the meaning is sarcastic. 8. Cash cow A product, service, or business division that generates a lot of cash for the company, without requiring much investment Example: With strong sales every year and a great brand name, Mercedes is a cash cowfor DaimlerChrysler. 9. (to) Cash in on To make money on; to benefit financially from Example: Jamie Oliver, star of the TV show The Naked Chef, cashed in on his popularity by writing cookbooks and opening restaurants. 10. (to) Climb the corporate ladder Advance in one's career; the process of getting promoted and making it to senior management Example: You want to climb the corporate ladder? It helps to be productive and to look good in front of your boss. Bonus: * (to) Compare apples to oranges To compare two unlike things; to make an invalid comparison Example: Comparing a night at EconoLodge with a night at the Four Seasons is likecomparing apples to oranges. One is a budget motel, and the other is a luxury hotel. Note: You will also see the related expression "compare apples to apples" which means to compare two things of the same type. This means that you are making a valid comparison, as opposed to when you're comparing apples to oranges.
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Junio 2016